Odds are that there will be an ant infestation in your home at some point of your life. Most ant infestations are thankfully harmless and short lived – some workers that are out foraging found some
Roof rats are a rat subspecies that like to hang out in trees. When they infest our properties, they will usually go for the attic and set up in there. However, they may sometimes target the fruit trees
Yellow jackets are common pests in the US, and they can be quite dangerous. Yellow jackets will exhibit swarming behavior when their nest is threatened, and these swarms can cause a lot of pain. This is
Although there are many ant species that will enter the home, only three are very common in home infestations and require professional pest control services to be removed. These three species are the carpenter
There are many different types of ants out there, with some being fairly normal, and others being very strange. One of the stranger species is the odorous house ant, which is a seemingly regular ant species,
House mice infest about 21 million US homes each year. That’s a huge number, and to make matters worse, they’re not only creepy, they are downright dangerous. They can spread over 35 diseases to humans,