The contamination of food sources in the United States causes illness in millions of people each year, with thousands of deaths occurring—usually from unnecessary causes. While food can become contaminated for many reasons, contact with pests in food facilities may cause large outbreaks of illness and disease. Arranging for Integrated Pest Control Management is part
While they get their names from the idea that these little critters crawl into your ears and lay eggs, the truth about earwigs is that their reputation is worse than reality. In several different languages (including French, German, Russian, and English) these little guys are named for crawling into ears. Really, this is a misnomer
Using your own methods of controlling pests in your home may be more risky than you think. Of course, a random fly swatter or ant trap probably isn’t going to create a long term problem for anyone. But anything more severe such as an ant infestation or rodent problem likely warrants the consultation of a Houston
Most people have come across caterpillars in their gardens or yards and usually think nothing of them. Children often find caterpillars interesting and may even try to pick them up and play with them. These larval-stage creatures live to eat, which is why they are typically found on bushes, plants, and trees. In fact, depending
If you have ever been in the middle of a baking frenzy, only to discover that unwanted critters have infested your dry goods, then you are not alone! Foods stored in the pantry are particularly susceptible to invasion by pests. Cereal, flour, nuts, dried fruits, and other stored foods make an attractive meal for all sorts
While everyone wants to protect the children in their care from pests, preventive pest control performed in places where children spend time can feel risky. Whether in a school or daycare, ants, spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes, yellow jackets, rodents, and so many more pests can pose a risk to the health and safety of our children. Playgrounds,