Carpenter ants are one of the few species of ants that does real damage to a home. While their close relatives can be annoying and unsightly, carpenter ants will actually tunnel through the wood structure
Wasps are summertime pests. It is necessary to get rid of these pesky pests as their stings can cause allergies to some people. You can keep your home wasp free and protect your family. Try to inspect
Have you ever imagined that such tiny crawling creatures can have impressive physical capabilities? Surprisingly, the ants are strong because of their small body. The strength of an ant is related to its
Paper wasps, also referred to as ‘umbrella wasps’, are one of the most well-known wasps found around the world. Globally, over 300 types of paper wasps have been identified, out of which at least 22
Summer is time for beach trips, vacations, and time to relax and enjoy summer evenings in your yard. But did you know that summer is also mosquito season? Yes! Out of the 3,000 different mosquito species
Termites have a strong natural ability to survive saltwater, leading to some theories that termites can infest driftwood and sail across large bodies of water. These theories have arisen because termite