When you think about the creepy creatures of Halloween, does your mind go directly to vampires, zombies, ghosts and monsters? Your home is much less likely to be invaded by these fictitious characters than it is to be invaded by real creatures such as blood-sucking bed bugs, scary spiders, nocturnal bats and more. As temperatures begin to
Cooler weather prompts rodents to head indoors looking for food sources and places to nest. If your house or commercial property isn’t protected against mice infestation, they may just take that as a sign that they are welcome to come in! Identify a Mouse Problem If you have just a small mouse problem, you may
A new and dangerous virus is spreading via mosquitoes. This virus is especially dangerous to pregnant woman as the virus crosses the placenta and enters the fetal brain to do damage. Women who are affected have children with small heads and damaged brains, a condition called microcephaly. Zika Virus History The Zika virus is named after the Zika