  • Carpenter Ant Prevention
    • 1966
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    Carpenter Ant Prevention

    Of all the ant species that you could have in your home, carpenter ants are probably the worst. While most ant species will simply scurry around looking for food, carpenter ants will actually destroy your home. Similarly to termites, carpenter ants destroy wood, using it as a medium in which they can build their colonies.

  • Essential Information About Rats
    • 2042
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    Essential Information About Rats

    Rats are medium-sized rodents that originally hail from Asia. They are currently found on almost every continent, with over 60 species of known rats. The rat species that we are most familiar with will usually grow to be larger than 8 inches, with the largest species being the Bosavi woolly rat, which can reach the

  • Where Are Termites From?
    • 1990
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    Where Are Termites From?

    If you know where termites come from, you know how you can keep them out. A common misconception is that termites come from rotting wood. However, this is not true. That is simply what they mostly eat. The termite species that is most commonly found in home infestations comes from the ground, where these termites

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