Throughout the southern Gulf Coast an invasion is taking place. The Crazy ant, also called the Tawny or Rasberry ant, has made its presence known. With its quick, erratic movements, it's no wonder how this ant got its name. However, you'll need a magnifying glass to identify a Crazy ant. A dead giveaway is their reddish color
Discovering that your home has been infested by termites can knock the wind out of you. These tiny little, hard to see pests can wreak havoc on your home. In fact, termites are considered to be the #1 threat to structures made out of wood—coming in ahead of flood, fire, and wind. Termites cause billions of dollars
Although they may be less active in the winter, ants may be found all year through. Ants often build nests outdoors and come inside to forage for food, but may also choose to build their colonies inside your home. Finding a stray ant in your house may not seem like a very large problem, but it