- July 26, 2020
- By Caleb
- 2211
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The Little-Known, But Extremely Destructive Powderpost Drywood Termite Only Infests Structural Lumber And Wood Furniture, And They Are Swarming Now In Houston Unlike Formosan subterranean termites that live in colonies located in moist soil, the West Indian drywood termite, or the “powderpost drywood termite” (Cryptotermes brevis) lives in colonies that are entirely contained within single
Well over one million arthropod species have been documented worldwide, and experts believe that many more have yet to be discovered. For those who are unaware, arthropods include insects, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes, crustaceans and other invertebrate organisms. The vast majority of non-marine arthropod species inhabit tropical and subtropical regions where high humidity, frequent rainfall, and
Wolf spiders belong to the family Lycosidae, and they are one of the best known spider groups due to their relatively large size, hairy body, and tendency to enter residential homes, especially during the fall and winter seasons. Wolf spiders are not your typical house spiders, as many species are commonly mistaken for tarantulas, and