Why would you create a cockroach from scratch when there are so many of them readily available? Turns out that a team of researchers did just that. The purpose of this artificial cockroach was to help
When people hear the word “opossum”, they immediately assume that it is the scientific word for “possum.” Guess what, this is not the case at all. The Possum and Opossum are completely
When we look at termites, we very often think of them as a species that is related to ants. However, the Common Names Committee of the Entomological Society of America has recently classified termites
Rats don’t need any help to freak us out, but it turns out that there is a species out there that is actually poisonous. If you see an African crested rat, the first thing you notice is the complete
As the weather warms up in, we can’t wait to go outside after spending the winter cooped up inside our homes. Ticks are well aware of this, which is why they also come out and play. These parasites pose
Physically, bees and humans couldn’t be more different. But recent studies have shown surprising similarities in the way humans and bees socially interact within their species. A team of researchers