The house centipede was first introduced in the US during the mid-1800s. This pest landed in Pennsylvania, and since then, it has spread out all over the country. House centipedes are quite creepy looking,
Yellow jackets are a wasp subspecies and they have a thin body with black and yellow coloration. They are often found buzzing around parks, gardens, and backyards, and they are known for their painful
All ants start out as an egg and then they go through a metamorphosis process before becoming adults, and all eggs come from the queen. The queen is the center of the colony, and she has only one purpose
Mice need warmth just as much as we do to survive in the winter months, which is why mouse infestations spike as the temperatures start to drop outdoors. During this season, it’s best to redouble your
Despite Norway rats being one of the most common home invaders on the planet, many homeowners still have some misconceptions about them. In this article, we’re going to take a look at some common myths
.When talking about rodents, rats and mice are often used interchangeably. But are they really that much alike? It’s an easy mistake to make. They’re both part of the same animal family, they both