The Do-It-Yourself or DIY phenomenon has taken over thanks to the vast amount of knowledge on the Internet and products sold across the globe. But should you take this approach when it comes to combating pests in your home? If you want your pest control done correctly, use a professional service. Here’s why. 1. Underestimating
As a homeowner, dead, brown patches in your lawn is a sight you probably don’t enjoy seeing. If you begin noticing these problems areas in your otherwise green lawn, you may have sod webworms. Sod webworms are the larval stage of a small brown moth, and they are an annual occurrence in the Houston area
Houston is home to many types of ants all year round. During summer, particular species of ants, like crazy ants and fire ants, start making appearances across homes more frequently. To the naked eye, these two types of ants may seem very similar, but knowing the difference is important when it comes to prevention and treatment.