If you have ever been in the middle of a baking frenzy, only to discover that unwanted critters have infested your dry goods, then you are not alone! Foods stored in the pantry are particularly susceptible to invasion by pests. Cereal, flour, nuts, dried fruits, and other stored foods make an attractive meal for all sorts
While everyone wants to protect the children in their care from pests, preventive pest control performed in places where children spend time can feel risky. Whether in a school or daycare, ants, spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes, yellow jackets, rodents, and so many more pests can pose a risk to the health and safety of our children. Playgrounds,
Increasing in number over the past few decades, stink bugs have become more popular and well-known—or possibly “infamous”. From the pentatomidae family of pests, stink bugs are a mottled brown color with dark bands on their front wings. Their shape appears much like a shield and their size ranges between 12 and 17 millimeters long. Brown marmorated