“To every thing there is a season,” says the Bible. But in the world of pests, there are critters for all seasons! And each one rears its ugly head in its own favorite months. In winter, most folks
Tropical storms bring wind, rain and eventually, cockroaches. In Houston, above-average temps and extreme precipitation will lead to a spike in cockroach activity. And the wet weather forces them to find
Nothing is more disturbing than the thought of bed bugs crawling in your bed while you’re asleep. It’s the stuff horror films are made of! And while these miniscule nusiances are considered a public
It’s almost Halloween. Scary ghouls & goblins, wart-faced witches, and an abundance of spiders in webs come to mind. But ever wonder, “why spiders?” Maybe just because they’re a bit on the
What is it about bugs that fascinates kids? They’re fuzzy, have wings, lots of legs and sometimes light up! Rather than squishing every bug, there are some ways to guide a child’s interest and challenge