The Steatoda genus is full of species that are often mistaken for black widow spiders, and spiders from this genus are found everywhere around the world. The false black widow is not as dangerous as the
The American, German, Oriental, and brown-banded cockroach species are categorized as the four primary cockroach pests of homes in the United States. These species are considered the most important cockroach
Mice are very good at hiding and sneaking around. They are nocturnal animals, and they keep food visits very short. However, they do leave some obvious signs, such as droppings, and they make squealing
While we all know that fire ants are dangerous, and that their bites are very painful, we might not all be aware that there are two main groups of fire ants in the US: imported and native fire ants. In
Mice are very small animals that can squeeze through even smaller holes in order to enter a home. In fact, if they can find a crack that is about the size of a dime, they are able to get through it to