Often considered the only species that could survive a nuclear meltdown, cockroaches have hearty dispositions among their more than 4,500 various species. Of the 30 species that are commonly found around humans, many of them may look alike but are not at all the same. The newest cockroach to be found in the US is
Everyone wants and deserves a clean, safe and pest free space to work in. In general, insects, rodents and other pests can bring unhealthy conditions to your working space including opportunities for disease, allergies and bug bites. What can you and your employees do to make sure you are working in a pest free environment? Step
Originating from Southeast Asia, the Asian cockroach (Blatella asahinai) has spread throughout the world. Carrying with them germs and diseases that can be hazardous to human health, these pests look a lot like other common cockroaches but have some very different characteristics. This means that the approach to this type of roach control must also be