As seasons transition, so do our behaviors. Houston winters, while mild compared to other parts of the United States, occasionally send some locals inside. When spring and summer roll around, people start taking advantage of the warm temperatures and adventuring into the outdoors. And when it rains, which is a common occurrence for our city’s
Think of them as secretive spies, or the ultimate introverts. Whatever the case, pests such as insects and rodents are usually interested keeping their existence undercover. Many of them are nocturnal and prefer the dark, feeling safer and more comfortable when they are anywhere humans and house pets are not. On the other hand, pests
Ants are one of the most common insects throughout the Houston area. They come in various sizes, colors, and types but generally have one thing in common: you don’t want them inside your home. Because ants are social creatures, a small infestation can turn large rather quickly. So, if you see one near or around your property,