Bed bugs can feel like your arch enemy if they decide to settle down in your home uninvited. These tiny little creatures can be a nuisance, but they don’t carry disease. Still, if not caught early, a bed bug infestation can create a huge inconvenience and may even become a very expensive problem if it goes
Summertime brings with it warmth, fun, and freedom! But it also can bring with it a significant number of pests that invade your home and your property. Houston’s wet, hot weather makes it attractive to various outdoor pests and you may need to watch out for these, taking important steps toward pest control. Outdoor Pests
Hearing the words “wolf spider” may conjure up images of a super-sized wolf-hybrid monster destroying the city. Thankfully, wolf spiders are not B-rated movie monsters come to life. They are a common arachnid found throughout the United States. What they are known for is a painful bite. However, it is not deadly. Here’s everything you