The tactics for controlling pests depends on the specific pests you are targeting. In general, however, most pests can be controlled effectively by employing two or more of the following methods. Your Houston pest control professional can be very effective in identifying which pests are present and how to control them. 1. Sanitation Sanitation is the first line
Have No Fear - Snakes Can Be Good! Snakes are for the most part very beneficial. The reason they create a problem is because most people have a fear of them. Yes, there are venomous snakes but they are not very common in most suburban areas. We have seen problems when there is clearing of
Is it possible to give house dust mites the dust off? You can’t see house dust mites, they are tiny microscopic arachnids (relatives of spiders), however there are close to 3,000 mites in the average gram of house dust. More than half of all homes are infested with Dermatophagoides (dust mites.) Dust mites aren’t just limited