- May 11, 2020
- By Caleb
- 2569
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Many Pest Control Professionals Agree That The Pharaoh Ant Is The Most Difficult Ant Pest To Control, Especially When They Nest Within Wall Voids, And Other Inaccessible Areas Houston is home to a great number of ant pests, some of which are known to inflict stings that are medically significant, and in rare cases, deadly.
The house mouse (Mus musculus) is easily the most commonly controlled rodent pest species within homes and buildings throughout the United States. Unlike other common indoor rodent pests like Norway rats, roof rats, and deer mice, the house mouse prefers to dwell indoors rather than outdoors in most circumstances. An adult house mouse can be
Ants are the most commonly encountered insects within homes, and they are one of the most commonly controlled groups of insect pests in commercial and residential structures. Well over 12,000 ant species have been documented worldwide, 700 of which can be found in the United States. Most ant species that are known pests of homes