

The climate of Cypress, Texas – warm, humid, mild-winters – creates an ideal environment for a variety of indoor and outdoor pests. However, an environment riddled with pests and rodents is not what any homeowner would describe as “ideal.” In fact, some of these bugs, like mosquitoes and spiders, can create the complete opposite type of atmosphere.

Fortunately, there are measures you can take to prevent these pests from invading your home or backyard in the first place. Continue reading to learn about pest control tips for common Cypress pests.


The greater Houston area is home to approximately 50 different species of mosquitoes year-round. From itching, red bumps to the possibility of spreading disease, there are numerous reasons you’d want to prevent any kind from buzzing around your house. To prevent them from, you should:

  • Eliminate any stagnant water
  • Seal any cracks into your home
  • Screen your windows, doors, vents, and chimneys
  • Clean out pet drinking bowls, vases, and birdbaths regularly
  • Avoid over-watering your grass
  • Use repellent lanterns, candles, and bug light bulbs

Read more: How Can Your Houston Neighborhood Reduce Mosquitoes? 


Plenty of people equate cockroaches with being one of the least liked bugs around. But did you also know they carry bacteria that can cause allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems? That alone should provide a reason to want them out of your home. To avoid attracting cockroaches, you should:

  • Remove any food or water sources, particularly in the kitchen
  • Reduce any clutter in or around your home
  • Seal crevices and other cracks that lead into your home
  • Keep light and other wall fixtures secure
  • Get rid of any gaps in window or door frames
  • Cover any holes in appliances or other household items
  • Keeping food containers sealed


Termites are known to cause significant damage to wooden structures in or around peoples’ homes. They thrive in damp and humid conditions, making them a common problem in Cypress. Because they’re small and live in colonies that are active year-round, preventing them should be top of mind. Tips to avoid a termite infestation include:

  • Reduce any excess moisture that attracts them
  • Seal entry points to your home, particularly around water and gas lines
  • Keep wooden siding at least six inches above the ground
  • Undergo a termite inspection by a professional at least once a year

Read more: Do Swarming Termites Cause Damage?

Bed Bugs

As more people travel in and out of Cypress, bed bug activity in the area increases. They make their way into homes via suitcases and clothing. Once there, they feed on human blood, leaving behind itchy, red welts. Bed bugs are challenging to treat on your own, so taking proactive measures to ensure they don’t infest your living areas is paramount. Tips to prevent these pests include:

  • Check and clean your mattress and cover
  • Avoid buying used furniture or clothing
  • Leave your suitcase in the heat before bringing it inside (bed bugs don’t like extreme temperatures)
  • Keep your home tidy
  • Seal any entryways into your home, particularly your bedroom

Read more: Do I Have Bed Bugs? And How Did I Get Them?

Rodents and Other Wildlife

Rodents and other larger animals like raccoons and possums, are common in the Cypress area. These pests may enter your home in search of food or take up residence in your deck, attic, or garden. On top of potentially leaving a mess to deal with, rodents and similar wildlife are carriers of disease. To ensure you’re not a victim of any, take these precautions:

  • Close any access to the inside and outside areas of your home
  • Store food in airtight containers
  • Dispose of garbage regularly, ensuring your lids are tightened
  • Eradicate any moisture site like leaking pipes or drains
  • Double-check packages coming into your home, especially ones containing food

Stink Bugs

When the weather gets colder in Cypress, stink bugs begin to emerge as they seek out shelter to hibernate for the winter. These insects don’t pose a health risk to you or your family, but they can become an odoriferous problem quickly. If you don’t want them in your home, take these measures:

  • Repair any damage to window screens or doors
  • Cover any entry point
  • Keep outdoor lighting to a minimum (they’re attracted to lights)
  • Discard of any leftover food
  • Empty pet food bowls when not in use


In the Cypress area, several species of ants are common, like fire ants, crazy ants, acrobat ants, and more. One thing all these pests have in common is: You don’t want them inside your home and infiltrating your garden. Because not only do some bite, but others can weaken wooden structures and infest food. To prevent them from becoming a problem, you should:

  • Dispose of leftovers and clean up any food spills promptly
  • Clean your trash cans regularly, both inside and outside
  • Store all food in airtight containers
  • Clear any debris or other clutter that may serve as a nesting site


When it comes to spiders, brown recluses and black widows are the dangerous species in Cypress and surrounding communities. Both are known to cause irritation and intense pain from the venom-induced by their bites. In some severe cases, some individuals may require medical attention. Due to this, it’s vital to take action to stop them from entering your home. Tips include:

  • Keep your house clean
  • Remove spider webs
  • Remove any excess vegetation near entryways to your home
  • Patch up cracks and holes that lead into your house
  • Keep outdoor lights off as they attract other bugs, which are their food sources

No homeowner wants to see any of these pests inside or near their home. Learning about the correct pest control method for each can help you prevent them from setting foot inside your house. However, in many of these cases, if you see signs of these bugs or rodents, you may have a more significant problem that requires professional attention. In that case, it’s best to reach out to the experts. Contact us today if you’re having an issue with a pest.

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