The Noisy Termites

The Noisy Termites

Do you think your home or place of work is infested by termites? Are you looking for signs that your home has been attacked by these infamous critters?

If the answer is yes, then keep scrolling because you are on the right page. So, what is the most obvious sign of termite infestation?

Being observant and looking for visual signs of an infestation is the easiest way to locate a colony of termites. But let us not forget that termites are extremely tiny in size and cannot be recognized easily. Termites are also known to build their colonies in hidden corners and hollow structures in homes, making it difficult for homeowners to locate them.

When you find it difficult to visually confirm the presence of termites in your home, the next best alternative is to notice sounds. Yes! They make noises. There are a few common sounds that termites will make, which can help you understand the magnitude as well as the location of the infestation in your home.

Here are the most common sounds made by termites that you should know about:

  1. Rattling or clicking sounds

Termites are blind as well as deaf, but because they work in groups called colonies, they need a mode of communication. Termites communicate through vibrations that are created when they bang their heads against the walls of their tunnels. This action is usually done, only when termites sense any form of danger around them. Through these vibrations, they can inform their entire colony about any foreseeable threats. To the human ear, this action of theirs results in weak sounds of clicking or rattling.

  1. Chewing sounds

Termites enjoy a reputation of being hard-working since they do not sleep at all. If termites are living within or behind your drywall, you will start hearing soft chewing sounds, when the termite colony starts approaching the upper surface of the wall. Although the chewing sounds may be soft, it is consistent due to the termites constantly feeding themselves and building intricate tunnels.

  1. Buzzing sounds

The most common types of termites found within homes move on the ground and walls. Though, there are known species of termites that can be found flying as well. Flying termites, also known as ‘alates’, can be seen in swarms during the spring season. Moreover, if you can hear a consistent buzzing sound within your premises, then you are probably already at risk of a termite infestation. Flying termites are recognized as one of the most damaging species of termites.

  1. Hollow object sound

As an alternative to listening to sounds of termites, one of the proven ways of using sound to identify termites is by knocking on walls, furniture, or objects in your home. If your knock receives a hollow-sounding response from the surface or object, it may have been damaged by termites. This happens because termites eat through the wood from within walls, furniture, and objects, rendering them hollow in the process.

The Bottom Line

If you are too trying to hear or are hearing sounds that indicate termite infestation in your property, do not wait any further. It is time to call in a professional pest inspector to conduct a thorough inspection of your property.


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