

Spring cleaning is about more than just getting the dust bunnies out from under your desk. Spring is a great time to think about preventing seasonal pests that could make their way into your business. As the weather warms, dormant pests become active again so spring is when you need to make certain that your property is protected from insects, rodents, and other critters.

Spring Commercial Pest Control Tips

Take advantage of these spring cleaning and pest control opportunities to keep your commercial building pest free:

Tidy Storage Spaces

If your business has a storage room, make sure it gets a good cleaning in the spring. Check for dark areas that might make good nests for critters. Seal up potential entry points around windows or doors. Organize any clutter that has developed over the winter, such as hastily discarded Christmas decorations. Cardboard boxes are attractive to many pests so store paperwork and other items in sealable, plastic containers placed neatly on shelving units.

Kitchen and Food Concerns

What starts out as a simple can of cola can turn into a pest infestation if it isn’t cleaned up properly. The sweet stickiness attracts insects. Insects attract spiders. And so on….

Keep food and sticky beverages in the kitchen when at all possible. Be sure to wipe down the kitchen top to bottom. Pay special attention to cabinet corners and shelves as a dark place where many pests like to hide. Any stored food should be in plastic or glass containers that are sealed. This will prevent cockroaches, flies, ants, and other pests from finding a food source and setting up camp.

Read MoreHow to Keep Flies Out of the Office

Take Out the Trash

Many times employees assume that their coworkers are going to take out the garbage, but sometimes no one does. To prevent and control pests, any garbage (beyond paper) needs to be emptied every day. If no one in the office seems to volunteer, create a schedule so that everyone takes a turn. Garbage taken outside should be stored in a sealable container that pests such as mice and rats can’t get into.

Seal Cracks and Crevices

Ripped screens, torn weather stripping, and loose mortar can offer opportunities for pests to enter your building. Each spring, a comprehensive physical inspection of your business property should take place to identify and repair any damage done over the winter months.

Fix Leaks or Standing Water

Pests need just a little bit of water to survive, so even the slowest dripping pipe can act as an invitation for critters. Be sure all water sources are properly sealed. Leaks should be repaired right away and any standing water removed.

Read More: Spring: The Perfect Time for Preventative Pest Control 

Don’t Forget the Outside

When performing a spring cleaning, don’t forget the areas outside of your commercial space. Weeds, debris, clogged gutters and damaged roof shingles can all provide opportunities for pests to get inside of your building. If you have an outdoor maintenance contract, be sure that it includes trimming bushes away from the building to prevent termites and other pests from hiding there. Any type of puddles or standing water outside your building can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes as the weather warms.

Contact a Professional

To be absolutely certain that the pest control needs of your business are taken care of, while freeing you up to do the other facets of your job, contact a pest control professional. From prevention to extermination and everything in between, Cypress Creek offers Houston pest control for commercial and residential properties.

Spring cleaning is a great reminder that it’s time to take care of your pest control and pest prevention needs. For Houston pest control in any season, contact Cypress Creek for help with prevention, inspection and extermination.

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