Mouse-Proofing Your Home

Mouse-Proofing Your Home

Mice need warmth just as much as we do to survive in the winter months, which is why mouse infestations spike as the temperatures start to drop outdoors. During this season, it’s best to redouble your prevention efforts in order to protect your property from mice. Here are some things that you can do to mouse-proof your home for the winter.

Block any entry points

There are several spots around the home which can be vulnerable to mice. These spots include corner posts, the foundation, an attached garage, the cellar doors, gutters and downspouts, the chimney, and openings that were installed for utility lines. Mice will be able to use these elements of the home to enter the home or to reach areas that are more likely to have gaps in them. The foundation for example is a common entry way, because it usually has several cracks large enough for a mouse. To prevent entry, you need to find these cracks and seal them with either silicone caulk or steel wool.

When we look at the garage, you often have issues such as the garage door being uneven and not shutting completely, or you may leave the garage door open for an extended period of time. On top of that, the garage is usually filled with clutter, which is a big draw for mice. Gutters and downspouts on the other hand provide a useful pathway to the roof of the home, which is usually filled with spaces large enough for a mouse to pass through. To counteract this, you can add chicken wire or hardware cloth around the opening of the downspout.

Reducing the odds of an infestation

The best way to reduce the odds of an infestation is to inspect the home and the locations mentioned above for openings, and then sealing these openings using caulk or steel wool. You can also store your food in lidded glass containers.

Once an infestation has already taken root, you will have to move on to the control part of the process, and here you will need the help of a pest control pro. Mouse infestations can quickly get out of hand, and it is essential that you remove them completely so that the mice do not continue reproducing. Contact us today if you’ve noticed the signs of a mouse infestation.

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