How Weather Affects Houston Pest Control

How Weather Affects Houston Pest Control

As seasons transition, so do our behaviors. Houston winters, while mild compared to other parts of the United States, occasionally send some locals inside. When spring and summer roll around, people start taking advantage of the warm temperatures and adventuring into the outdoors. And when it rains, which is a common occurrence for our city’s subtropical climate, we generally avoid it.

Just as we change our habits according to the weather, so do pests. In doing so, these creatures could upset your daily routine. Here’s what you need to know about the habits of various insects in cold, warm, and wet environments.

Cold Weather

Have you noticed fewer insects around your home and garden during winter? That’s because insects retreat from the colder temperatures. While humans go indoors, pests have various methods of dealing with colder days and nights.

Some migrate to warmer temperatures, while others go into a state similar to hibernation known as “diapause.” Insects preparing for diapause burrow underground or seek shelter in tree trunks or under rocks. For example, bees and wasps find warmth in underbrush or fallen logs, where they’ll stay in a frozen-like state until they’re ready to emerge in spring. However, while bugs disappear, another critter appears. The increase in hidden, non-moving pests attracts rodents. Unfortunately, that means cold weather could leave you with a concealed infestation or rodent problem.

There is one more method some insects use to beat winter – and it’s somewhat morbid. Many bugs die, leaving behind eggs and larvae that hatch in spring.

Dry and Warm Weather

In spring and summer, the days become longer and warmer, with early spring being some of the driest months of the year. Due to this, many plants begin releasing their pollen or blooming – attracting insects like bees. More people start gardening, which attracts other insects like aphids, beetles, and more. And for parasitic pests like ticks and fleas, the increase in people outside means more opportunity to find a host.

Spring marks the beginning of mating season for many insects, which is why you see more during these months. Termites, bees, and other colony insects will begin reproducing, causing a massive upswing in their population. The uptick in population coupled with a drying water supply also means an increase in pests searching for supplies– inside and around your home and garden. Once they find a suitable area, some build nests.

It’s also important to remember that not only bugs like warm weather. Wildlife like rats, mice, and raccoons come out of their dens to forage for food. These animals are known for invading your trash and boldly entering your kitchens.

Also read: Most Problematic Summer Pests in Houston

Rainy and Wet Weather

Houston is no stranger to rain – and neither are its bugs. In light rainfalls, bees will continue to forage for pollen, while ants and cockroaches seek higher, drier ground. They also band together, huddling up to maintain warmth, much like humans. That means large groups of these bugs can start marching into your house. Or, you may see bundled masses of ants outside your home. Fire ants colonies can form “living rafts” that can survive until dry land reappears.

But intense rainfalls may damage some insects home, pushing them yet again to find refuge in and around your home. And once the rain stops, that doesn’t mean these critters go away. In fact, standing water and moisture due to a storm is appealing to many insects like mosquitoes and cockroaches. Female mosquitoes hunt for standing water for sustenance to lay their eggs. That means after a heavy downpour, the mosquito population can grow immensely. Similarly, cockroaches love wet and dark conditions making the remnants of a storm their perfect haven.

Also read: Hurricane Season & Houston Pest Control

What Can You Do for Houston Pest Prevention?

Depending on the season, there are several prevention methods you can take to ensure pests don’t become a problem for you. When it’s warmer, be sure to proactively remove standing water around your home, prune your garden, and get rid of any leftover food or trash. During cold and rainy seasons when more bugs look for retreat inside, you should make sure to seal any cracks in your walls or foundation.

However, just like the seasons, every pest is unique. At Cypress Creek, we recognize this and cater pest control solutions to match every critter in every season, whether it’s mosquitoes in spring or ants after a storm. Our Healthy House Program sends technicians to treat your home four times a year, ensuring you have peace of mind no matter the weather. To stop dealing with insects and animal pests and begin enjoying yourself in your home or garden, contact us today.

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