Guide To Identifying And Treating Spider Bites

Guide To Identifying And Treating Spider Bites

Of the 3000 spider species in the US, the majority are not dangerous. They either are not that poisonous, or their fangs are too small to pierce through human skin. The bites from these spiders will usually result in small, itchy wounds that take about a week to heal. The dangerous spiders are those that have both the ability to bite through skin and a venom toxic enough to cause health complications.

Treating spider bites at home

If you are bitten by a nonvenomous spider, you can treat the bite at home to reduce the symptoms. Start by applying an ice pack for 10 minutes at a time, and then take an antihistamine such as Benadryl to reduce itching. Clean the area with soap and water afterwards to prevent an infection and apply an antibiotic ointment if the bite area develops blisters. If the symptoms do not go away in a few hours, you should seek medical attention. If you were bitten by a brown recluse, black widow, hobo spider, tarantula or Brazilian wandering spider, you should seek medical attention right away.

The brown recluse bite

The brown recluse is a non-aggressive spider that is about one inch long with a distinctive violin marking on its abdomen. This spider will only bite if it is trapped against the skin, which means that most bites occur when this spider is hiding in clothes or inside a person’s shoes.

The bite may be painless at first, but after about eight hours, the bite will become itchy, painful, and a purple ring will start to form around the location of the bite. This can be followed by more serious symptoms such as a fever, chills and a headache. On rare occasions, the bite can cause coma, seizures, jaundice, and kidney failure.

The black widow bite

The black widow is also a non-aggressive spider, with black coloration, and a distinct, reddish colored hourglass shape on its abdomen. The initial bite will not be painful, but your skin will react immediately, and you will be able to see two puncture marks on the skin. The symptoms will include muscle cramping, pain at the location of the bite, high blood pressure, increased sweating, headache, nausea, numbness and restlessness.

Immediate medical attention is required if you are bit by one of these two spiders, and if you notice them in the home, it’s best to call a pest control specialist who will be able to deal with them safely. Contact us today if you have a spider infestation in your home.

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