5 FAQs About Termite Control | Houston’s Termite Experts

5 FAQs About Termite Control | Houston’s Termite Experts

Termites are a destructive lot – they can feed on your furniture and any other wooden structures in your house. Besides, they are annoying – can you imagine the sight of these pests crawling around your home when you have guests?  Preventing and controlling termites can be a confusing and daunting affair, especially if you know nothing about these pesky creatures.

In this guide, we look at some of the frequently asked questions about termites control to help you prepare yourself adequately.

1.      Why Should I Worry About Termites?

Termites are highly destructive. In the United States of America alone, these pests are to blame for billions of dollars lost due to their damage and extermination and preventive measures. They will feed on your swimming pool liners, insulation, books, and papers. They can also destroy any shrubs and trees in your backyard.

2.      Why Are Termites Common During Spring?

You are likely to see the winged termites during the spring season. Usually, as termites grow, they move away from their colonies to start a new life.  Winter’s warm temperatures trigger the winged termites’ dispersion to fly away, find mates and start new colonies.

The termite swarmers that emerge from your house are not as destructive as the carpenter termites. Besides, they are easy to control; use a vacuum or a broom to remove them from home.

3.      What are the common signs of termites infestation?

If you notice winged termites inside your house, it is an indication that your house is invaded and needs immediate treatment. If the swarmers termites invade your home, you will find them around doors, windows, and other light sources because they are highly attracted to light.

Make sure you differentiate between ants and winged termites. For termites, look for signs of straight antennae and an evenly thickened waist. Ants, on the other hand, have elbowed antennae, more elongate forewings, and constricted waists.

Another surefire sign that your home is infested with termites is the sight of mud tubes that extend over support piers, foundation walls, floor joists, and sill plates. The mud tubes are typically used as shelter by the termites when traveling.

4.      Is it Advisable to Control Termites by Myself?

Termites control is an involving exercise. Its success depends on whether the right control methods have been used and appropriately. At times, controlling termites by yourself is not advisable because should you miss a single step, you risk them spreading and destroying more property. Always engage a termite control expert to help you in case you suspect that your home is infested.

5.      How Do I Hire the Best Termites Control Professional?

Before you engage any pest control service, you should do thorough research. When choosing a termite control service, go for the most reliable one – evaluate their expertise, reliability, and experience in this field. Check online reviews and ask for a recommendation from friends and family members.


Controlling termites may sound like a simple exercise, but it isn’t. Given how destructive these pests are, it is always necessary to adopt preventative measures in advance. In case of infestation, get in touch with a termite control expert to help you deal with the termites and instill measures to prevent a further invasion.

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